LIFEWAVES BREATH AWARENESS is a simple technique that helps break our habitual stress responses, and begins laying the foundation for cultivating mind/body health maintenance & stress management, “re-connecting” us to our natural state of Relaxed Inner Peace.
Track 1: Discusses the relationship between stress, health, and how we breathe. Begin to experience the “mind/body connection” through a series of breath awareness exercises and guided practice to help develop new, more relaxed, efficient breathing, along with tips for integrating this new found “awareness” into daily life.
Track 2: Let go in this full body relaxation exercise, using guided imagery designed to reach deeper levels of the mind/body’s “relaxation response”. Meld with the sounds of the ocean as you relax and discover . . . the wave!​
One Simple Thing . . . . .
One simple thing . . . . . is the name I've given to introducing the concept of "Mindfulness" into our daily lives. It starts with the simple act of paying attention to our breathing. (see audio program description). Learning to stop and take a few conscious breaths allows us to relax and recognize the tension, stress, and suffering that we carry around with us.
We all want to be happy and find peace. The problem of our modern society is that nobody teaches us how to deal with the suffering inside of us. We try to run away from it and fill the void with all kinds of consumption. We are constantly bombarded with the idea that we can fill those voids with things, and even as we sacrifice our time, and too often our health, to achieve those "things", happiness and that sense of inner peace continues to elude us.
When was the last time you sat quietly by yourself and felt peace? Learning this One Simple Thing can literally change your life!
Simple does not always mean easy. For most, beginning this process requires some discipline, practice, and guidance.
My Breath Awareness audio program is a good place to start, but each individual has to figure out how to integrate this into his/her own life. That's why I also offer one on one instruction, as well as workshops (see workshop page), which allows for that individual attention and guidance.
My objective is to share what I have learned over my 40 years of cultivating this awareness, hoping to help others let go of useless, unnecessary suffering and gain more insight into what "inner peace" and "happiness" really means, for us, our loved ones, and our human community.